The Blue Planet

Ivan Andonov
4 min readMar 10, 2020

More and more rarely we remember the BLUE! We are submerged in it, but we don’t notice it. We look for the colourful, the bright. And gradually got used to the grey, the colourless, the ugly, to feed with it, to put up with it, and not the other way around. By doing that, we unnoticeable, but yet stubbornly, go away from the source of our life, the source of our love, our freedom, truth and life itself.

And yet the Blue is still existing. It’s been here on earth before us, and it still would be here after we are gone. In fact, the Blue has created the world. It is impervious to the time and space, to people.

The Blue can’t be bound by any boundaries or frames. The Blue is infinite, without a shape, but at the same time, all shapes are his, and they exist for it.

The Blue is the sea. It mysterious beauty is charming, it brings a flow of emotions and dreams. Infinite blue vast, which is attracting with it’s magical fascination , clears the mind, and charges with hope and strength.

A peaceful haven of innermost thoughts and trembling dreams. The meetings with the Blue are always unique and inspiring. Full with memorable experiences, charging with amazing energy, gifting spiritual space, erasing the memory of everything bad and invaluable.

Meetings with the sea are special. Confused thoughts and feelings find silent understanding and solution. You stand in front of its magnificence and walk along the shore and you are happy. You childishly play around with the blue waves.

You look at the mighty endless blue and feel the connection to the sea. It is calm and so blue, and it is as if the eyes are sinking in its magic. How much simplicity and tranquillity is there in this view, and the soul flies over the waves like a free bird in the celestial space and thoughts float freely.

The moment when the sun rises and sets over the sea. It is like diving into the crystal blue waters and showering them with its warmth. Time stops and this magic alone matters.

The sea sunrise and sunset enchant you. A wonderful dream you don’t want to wake up to. This magic of the Blue says: “Don’t think about anything, don’t worry, everything will be fine! It will be!”. This picture is like the ones in which you want to improve something, but there is simply no way, because whatever you look at it is perfect.

And people are like the waves of the sea — they come and go. Sometimes they are violent and noisy, they break, destroy and leave wounds … Sometimes they are quiet, almost imperceptible, but still leave traces. Deep and durable. Yes, people are like waves, they come and go, but that is probably the point of everything. We always have to wait, somewhere, someone, something … — to wait for the next wave and let your soul fly.

To look at the sea, to see the beautiful always and everywhere, and to move on — still comes a new wave, with a small shell in the pocket and the breath of the sea in the heart.

The world, and everything that exists is from it, in it and through it!

