There are miracles! Toddlers grow up and adults return to childhood

Ivan Andonov
2 min readMar 28, 2020

Everyone loves Disney’s music. And we all know that sooner or later, in each of the movies comes the moment of the song. A moment in which something important and life-asserting for the characters happens. Disney has planned to re-release a series of soundtrack albums from well-known Disney films, including some never heard before bonus content.

Many children have grown up with Disney music and adults feel nostalgic, going back the memory lane. Disney music is perhaps even more popular than the movies themselves. The songs which will be presented have become emblematic and cult, they have been universal anthems for the past couple decades. In addition, some of the soundtracks, which we’re about to release, have never made it to the cartoons and will be heard for the first time.

Once again you will feel the impact of the music from Disney movies through the love for it, in its various interpretations. Symphonic arrangements bring out the romantic side of the music and its jazz versions emphasize its energy.

The forthcoming fabulous journey through time starts with tunes from the classic Disney films “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and “Cinderella”, then continues with many generations’ favorite titles “The Little Mermaid” and “The Lion King”, and ends with songs from the new hit “Frozen”.

“There’s a terrific power to music. You can run any of these pictures and they’d be dragging and boring, but the minute you put music behind them, they have life and vitality they don’t get any other way.” — Walt Disney

Disney’s music is for everyone. Both children and adults enjoy it. The music is favorable even of fans of “serious” genres. And children easily enter the adult world, where they are so eager to be. In any case, this is a superb golden environment in which we all feel good. And we’re together. The successes of musicals prove the need for these family reunions around good music and beautiful storylines for Adventures, Dreams, Love and Good.

